n8 talent Ltd

Based in Cambridge, n8 talent specialise in Product, Innovation and NPD Recruitment.

We're focused on supplying exceptional product candidates in these core areas...
Technical and Manufactured Products, and Food & Nutrition Innovation.

Recruiting in product is tough, but it doesn't have to be...

In a notoriously difficult area of business to recruit within, n8 talent specialise in filling positions which you'll struggle to fill, just by purely advertising alone. Our real value comes from the network we've built for over a decade, of working within the Product, NPD, Innovation and the Marketing space. 

n8 talent have a relentless commitment to the candidates who we represent, hence why so many of our candidates become clients for the future.  By being almost entirely candidate lead, you'll benefit from the most thorough and representative submission process within agency recruitment. 

We have a range of specialist recruitment structures for any hiring assignment, including contingent, exclusive and retained searches. If the area of recruitment is within Product, NPD or Innovation, we're able to support. 

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